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Vivian Eden holds a PhD in translation studies from the University of Iowa. The author of one book of poetry and numerous articles, she translates from Hebrew into English and a bit from French. Her day job is at Haaretz’s English edition, a daily newspaper published in Tel Aviv with the International New York Times.
Thoraya El-Rayyes is a Palestinian-Canadian writer living in Amman, Jordan. Her translations of Arabic short stories have previously appeared in Saint Anne’s Review.
Eric Ellingsen is assistant professor of landscape architecture at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and a member of Poetry-Jazz.
George Evans’s poetry collections have been published in the UK, US, and Costa Rica, including The New World, Sudden Dreams, and the bilingual Espejo de la tierra / Earth’s Mirror, translated by Daisy Zamora. He has also published two volumes of translations: The Time Tree by Vietnamese poet Huu Thinh, and The Violent Foam by Daisy Zamora.